Tuesday, December 8, 2015

busy season *crazy*

Lars lots another tooth (#3).  So cute to hear his little lisp when he talks.  LOL.

This past weekend was one of the most busy *crazy* holiday weekends we have had since being married... maybe alive?!?   We enjoyed a visit from James and Wendy's family, who were in the Black Hills to attend Jacob's State Oral Interp competition in Stugis.  Thursday evening everyone arrived - Friday & Saturday (day) were the Oral Competition... Saturday evening was Thor's first Bantam B tournament game... followed by Sunday morning (early) game... followed by church... followed by Lars Christmas Program at Zion.... followed by....  frosties at Wendy's (because we were all ready to CRASH!)

Jacob - team came away with a SUPERIOR!! Congrats Jake!  (Jacob is the 2nd from the right).

Thor - made the first goal of the Game, the Season... and won the game 1-0.  2nd game he got an assist and they won 4-0.  (against Aberdeen).

post game sweaty-ness :( 
Lars - well he was there.  That is about all I can say.  I was just a LITTLE concerned with the boy standing next to him tried to boss him around and stop him from clapping his hands.  Lars did not take the suggestion very well, and started to push.... all while standing on risers.  I was about 1/2 second away from pulling him down... but he called down - maybe after seeing his mom/dad & teachers eyes all saying NO!!!  as firmly as we could?!?!  Well anyway... the teacher said its always a success as long as no one has an accident, and all stay fully dressed.  :)  I guess he is on his way to NO CAREER in show business.  :)

Lars thought the music was too loud :(