Friday Thor and I headed east and south with friends from the Bantam hockey team to Sioux Center, Iowa. We shared the roads of Iowa with some stellar company -- seeing stickers on other people from political rallies not far off in Sioux City -- Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton and the Donald. I haven't been that close to "famous" for quite some time. Just have to say I'm pretty happy to NOT be living in Iowa this week. (just saying... it's going to be a LONG political season before the next election).
We had a fabulous trip even if the hockey games were not so amazing (in our favor). But we had good refs and the boys played really, really hard -- getting better at passing and controlling the puck every week. Thor didn't feel so great after the first game -- and it showed during his 2nd game. He actually missed school today, but I think whatever "bug' was in his system is totally gone now.
Dirk stayed home with the 3 younger kiddos and even invited the Montiel cousins for a sleepover Friday night complete with Pizza and make-shift beds in the downstairs TV room. Saturday Lars managed to call me via FaceTime at least 3 times to let me know he missed me. :)
Sunday night I should have been packing up school lunches and a care package for Dirk... but I was just too sleepy ... ended up falling asleep for a good hour or more. Dirk got himself all packed for ND for the week...
Monday morning Dirk started a new adventure, traveling to Watford City to work for the Franz customer in their new shop in WC. He is settled in again at a hotel, Monday-Thursday nights.. home Friday-Sunday nights. Now that we know his specific accommodations we can pack better for him to have meals from home, etc. WC isn't so much of a "town" as a blip on the map... but definitely grew bigger after the past few years of "oil boom." Things have cooled down for the oil industry - as most of you notice much lower gas prices all over the nation. But there is still work and we are blessed he has had plenty to keep him busy even in seasons of corporate "lulls."
We don't have any idea how long he will be in WC - he is thinking at least 3 weeks. For now we will take it one week at a time. This weekend we look forward to Dirk being home, a duo of hockey games against Brookings and the SUPERBOWL (I'm planning my menu as we speak!).