Tuesday, June 10, 2014

 Oh the joys of a 3 year old.  :)  I used to say 3 was my favorite age.  But I forgot.  It's not.  I absolutely like 4 year olds much better.  The problem is, this little cutie is not far from 4 (end of Sept)... and I'm not seeing the change in attitude I was hoping would miraculously happen at 3 3/4.

It's a good thing he is cute -- and gives good hugs.  Phew.

On the other end of the spectrum we have the teen agers -- As you can see from Anika's face the Tweens have arrived in our family as well.  ;)  Almost every day they are both a ton of fun and even MORE help keeping the house and family run the way they should! I certainly wouldn't be as sane as I am (that might be questionable) if they were not such good babysitters and overall help with chores, etc.

So here are a couple of funnies from the kids this week:
Lars is just entering the  "talk all the time" phase -- and completely mispronounces words ALL the time.  This of course is absolutely hilarious to older brother and sisters -- but makes him pretty ticked off.  He does NOT see the humor in it at all.  But we giggle our little heads off.

Liv:  discovering the world of YouTube -- or Yube Tube -- as she calls it.  :)

Lars has a friend named Dale.  Dale is a single guy who goes to our church (early 30's) -- isn't particularly close with our family -- but a good acquaintance friend.  But Lars thinks this guy is his personal best buddy.  A few Wednesday nights Dale has come in early and said "hi" to Lars.  One night in particular Lars told him to "Dit Down!" -- And Dale did, he ended up staying in the Toddlers class the rest of the night!  Another week, Dale came in and sat down next to Lars who was playing cars on the floor.  I came over to ask Lars if he was having fun, and Lars told me to "go in the Red Truck -- Bye Bye mom."  Apparently I was NOT needed!  A couple of weeks ago we were at a BBQ and Dale was also.  Lars made sure everyone in the family said "Hi Dale" -- at least 3 times each!  :)

Today was Swim Lessons for Lars.  He loves the water, but doesn't exactly love taking directions from anyone.  Today I was reminding Lars he was going to be a good boy, and listen to Miss Mary and say Yes Miss Mary.  Lars replied every time -- "no go with miss mary.  no say yes miss mary."  See what I mean about the 3 & 4 year old stuff!  At least he did listen and follow directions today.  Small victories make the learning process survivable!!

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